Compassionate, Individualized,
Mental Health Support

Life can feel overwhelming.

You’re in transition—from college to life on your own, from a dead-end career to meaningful work, newly retired, in or out of an intimate relationship. Or maybe you just wish you could make a change, but feel stuck. The questions keep cycling in your mind:

  • Why do I feel like I’m struggling all the time?
  • Why can’t I just be happy?
  • What’s wrong with me?

Treatment can help.

It’s natural to feel unmoored as you confront the need to change.

It is tempting to keep telling yourself “I should be able to figure this out,” or “Maybe this will go away if I give it more time.”

But after struggling so long, underneath you may not be convinced that you can do this on your own.

You have decided to consider getting some kind of help.

Help = Treatment = Healing

Seeking help is an important, courageous first step. Whether you feel trapped by insurmountable worries or simply feel lost, you want to find real ways to gain freedom, to feel differently, to live better.

That’s what treatment is about. Often beginning the process of exploration with a professional can not only take you closer but also provide a sense of hope – hope that you can move out of being stuck.

Sometimes the process of change may be expedited by the use of medication. Properly chosen, it can reduce some the friction of your internal tension which hinders your growth.

Ultimately you want a comprehensive, tailored treatment plan to help you move forward, to heal, to grow, to enjoy your life, to learn how to better meet the challenges you face.

Guiding you on this path is my privilege and specialty.

Schedule your appointment with
Donald Schiermer, MD, PhD, MPH